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A post Easter catch up


Hey Hwb fans, here is a little catch up of all things Hwb, what we've been up to and what we've got coming up.

First and foremost we want to say a massive thank you to every single person that has popped in so far, sent us kind messages and been the supportive lot you are. It is an incredibly tiring endeavour to take on a project of this size and with nothing of this size to compare to in South West Wales it has felt a little daunting at times. All of that melts away when we get to walk around the venue and see people from all walks of life having a great time. Every kind message or chat by the bar means so much and we are very greatful.

Next, Rob, James and I would love to say a huge thank you to our truly amazing team here at Hwb. Without you all this thing just stays a 'what if' pipedream but you've made it happen. It is truly a moment of pride when watching a member of the team talk about a beer style or food that they may well have never heard of more than a few short weeks ago. You are all absolutely brilliant and we cant wait to see what's next for us all!

Onto what's coming coming up at Hwb...

We have had our first couple of open mic nights here now and it has been brilliant to see so many individual musicians, artists, spoken word performers and more take to the stage and give it their all. A big cheers to Tom for taking the time every fortnight and providing the skill and equipment to make it happen. They will continue to run every other Sunday and as always, all you need to take part is yourself and the will to do it.

Next sees our weekly quiz night getting underway with four (and counting) rotating hosts. This will deliver a fresh quizzing environment every week with different challenges to keep those brains whirring away. There are prizes available every week and at only £1.50 per player it's a great way to get out and have some fun on a Tuesday night. The inaugural quiz night was brilliant so make sure not to miss out in the future!!

We have amazing musicians booked in every Saturday now for months, so there will always be a reason to keep those dancing shoes ready for action. We try and bring a wide variety of musical styles to Hwb so it might be a loop artist one week through to a skiffle band the next. You never know what you might love until you hear it!

Finally we have some fantastic breweries visiting us over the next few months. It's not lost on us how far these folks are travelling to come and talk about their incredible produce. We can't recommend highly enough popping in and having a natter with these producers as there is always a unique twist to how each brewery operates, it's what makes them 'them'.

Anyway, that's enough for now, thank you all again and cheers for reading.

As always, see you at the bar.


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